Please use the portfolio navigator below to choose which category of our artists that you would like to view. “All” shows our complete stable of acts and then you can drill down by genre i.e. click on “Tribute Shows” for the acts to be sorted by the category. All of our acts are suitable for cruse ship entertainment.
Australian Beach Boys Show
Belinda Adams
Bobby Bruce – Nearly Neil
Carl Doy
Dave Patten as Rod Stewart
Derek Metzger
Desperado – Eagles Show
Guy Taylor
Jeremy Ansley
Joel Howlett
John Stephan
Keith Scott
Kevin A Legend
Kris Knight
Krzysztof Malek
Leo Bonne
Scot Robin
Shelly White
Stephen Fisher-King
Jenifer Green sings Strictly Bassey
Suzanne Prentice
The Beatnix
The Fleurys
Tim Ellis
Tom Burlinson
Vov Dylan
Wayne Scott Kermond
G’Day Hollywood Productions (Aust) was launched in 1994 and specialises in Cruise Ship Entertainment. It’s first major project was “The Legends Of Hollywood Series”, G’Day Hollywood imported great Hollywood legends to tour Australia.
BACK TO THE TIVOLI is without a doubt one of the most successful touring shows within the industry. The Tivoli has been performing since 1996, with return bookings unmatched by any other touring show.
To contact G’Day Hollywood:
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